Locus Justica

Trademark Registration 2023 and related proceedings

Mere filing a trademark application is not enough for trademark registration but a detailed analysis, research and preparation is the key for registration of a Trademark. Trademark search and consultancy is a must before filing application for a trademark Registration which involves detailed analysis, advisory and consultancy by Trademark experts. Further Trademark Registration involves many other processes of objection, issue of the examination report followed by reply to the objections and hearing which takes a lot of time. A trademark application even if accepted after application, objection reply or hearing, it may be opposed by the third parties which further delays the registration process of a Trademark and thus you require true and genuine trademark attorneys for your trademark registration.

True and genuine attorneys for Trademark Registration

At Locus Justica, team of excellent, true and genuine trademark attorneys guide you through the process of trademark registration and help you till the finality of trademark Registration process. Our team educate you about the trademark proceedings and guide you very honestly through all processes of the trademark registration. We perform extensive search and analysis for the existence and availability of desired trademark on the trademark register and help you to decide before proceeding for the trademark application. We also take some extra measures in filing Trademark applications which provides a strong ground for the trademark application in acceptance.

Trademark objections, Examination report and reply

We track the trademark applications regularly and keep our clients updated about all proceedings along with timely actions of reply to the objections and examination report. We regularly track the trademark applications and attend the hearings with strong legal arguments and evidences for acceptance of the trademark application.

Trademark Registration FAQ's

1. Who can get a Trademark Registered

Any individual, Natural Person, association of person or a company can get a Trademark Registered

2. What kind of marks get registered?

Any Trademark which is Distinctive in character and not similar or deceptively similar to existing Trademark gets registered.

3. Can I get a Trademark Registered by changing spelling of an existing Trademark

No, a trademark is not registered if it is phonetically and visually similar to existing Trademark. Thus changing spelling of an existing Trademark makes it phonetically similar to existing Trademark and thus not registrable.

4. Can I get a Trademark registered if I am not in business now and planning to do business in future

Yes, Trademark is an Intellectual property and as soon as you got a thinking of a unique name or unique Idea in your mind you are the intellectual proprietor of the mark and you can get is registered.

5. What is the validity of Trademark Registration

The validity of Trademark Registration is 10 years after which renewal is required.  

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