Locus Justica

Trademark Opposition 2023 and related procedures

Just filing opposition proceedings on an Advertised Trademark does not suffice the purpose of opposition but to file a fair and reasonable opposition on strong and reasonable legal grounds is the important matter to be considered by every opponent. It is common these days where many un-reasonable oppositions are filed on baseless and meritless grounds which leads to failures and un-necessary expenditures by the opponents. Thus, a genuine and original advisory is a must before determining the initiation of opposition proceedings where Trademark consultants and Trademark attorneys play an important role.

Genuine and original advisory for Trademark opposition proceedings

Our team of excellent and genuine Trademark attorneys guide and advise you through the trademark opposition proceedings and help you to determine and decide before proceeding for the trademark opposition process. We help you to save un-necessary expenditures on baseless and meritless oppositions and help you to file only fair and reasonable opposition which always succeed.

Trademark opposition on Strong legal and reasonable grounds

We have an excellent track record in Trademark opposition proceedings and prepare the best and strong trademark opposition which help you to protect your trademark and brand from dishonest and malafide acts of passing off and infringement. We regularly track and trace the weekly trademark journals issued by the trademark department and guide you through the actual effects of registration of an advertised mark. We also initiate various other legal proceedings to stop dishonest passing off and infringements by un-scrupulous persons.

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