Locus Justica

Legal Services and Litigations in Domains, Cyber security, Data and privacy

Protect your domain, website, and trademark from infringement, piracy, and fraud with the help of our professionals and unified team of Cyber Security, information technology, and intellectual property laws. We assist you in obtaining positive and favourable awards from the UDRP and WIPO for domains that infringe on any of your trademarks.

Domain disputes and Resolutions under UDRP

In international arbitrations involving trademarks, domain names, commercial and cross-border conflicts, we are the best and most experienced attorneys. We assist you in locating domains that are similar to your trademark as well as domains that have been fraudulently registered by others and may infringe on your trademark.

Cyber Security & Data Security and privacy

At Locus Justica, professionals and counsels for cyber security, data focus on the increasing commercial, technology and legal concerns around data security and privacy. We are very adept in investigations, crisis response, data breach scenarios, litigation, counselling, and other areas in which we represent our clients and assist them with cyber security, data security and privacy concerns on a pan-India basis.

Our cyber security team can advise you on a wide range of cyber solutions to assist your business stay on top of major legal and regulatory changes.

We help build or improve data privacy processes and incident response methods to safeguard the security of our clients' data. Our goal is to always to lower the risk of a data breach for our clients while also putting them in the best possible position to respond if one does occur. In the event of damage we provide prompt and thorough incident response.

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